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Evento: Simposio de la PAMS en Homenaje al Día de la Medicina en el Perú

Fabiola G Roura Moreno | Published on 9/29/2021
You are very cordially invited to the academic event called: Symposium of the Peruvian American Medical Society - PAMS in Tribute to the Peruvian Medicine Day in Peru to be held on Monday, October 4, 2021, Medicine Day in Peru at 07:00 pm Lima Time / 08:00 pm Eastern Time.

The event in question is organized by the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM), the San Fernando School of Medicine and the Peruvian American Medical Society (PAMS).

Registrations are via Zoom connection through the following Link Webinar ID: 840 1580 2920.